Sourdough White Bread

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PLACE all the ingredients in the mixing bowl.

USE a spiral mixer for mixing.

MIX on the slow speed for 6 minutes and on the fast speed for 8 minutes.

DOUGH temperature should be between 26°C or 28°C.

PROOFING time is 15 to 20 minutes, After first proofing of 15 minutes.

KNEAD the fruits under the dough. Divide into pieces of 560gm, round them, and set them to proof for another 20 to 30 minutes. At half proof spread with egg. Cut the pieces of bread crosswise before putting them into the oven.

BAKE at 190°C under a falling temperature of 200°C for 20 to 35 minutes.



Josef Marc

Josef Marc
Hi there 👋

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